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Purpose In A Backpack

Get Involved

What is an Education Ambassador?

Education Ambassador is a group of educators who are passionate about helping underserved and under-resourced students k-6th grade, take the next step to lead the charge at their school to help fulfill CWP’s Purpose in a Backpack mission. Each education ambassador team is an educator led, educator-initiated group of teachers who partners with CWP Purpose in a Backpack program to fulfill the four functions of a education ambassador role.

What do Education Ambassadors do?

Education Ambassador sets the foundation for Purpose in a Backpack work related to your school. This includes helping set up volunteer opportunities, educating your school and community around issues related to reading literacy, STEAM and CWP, fundraising in your local area to support more reading literacy and STEAM opportunities and speaking with your community officials to prioritize literacy.

education Ambassadors are guided by four functions:

I would like to get Involved and learn more as an Ambassador for Purpose in a Backpack:

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